
Gewinnspiel – Madini Sommerdrink 2020 *Anzeige

View this post on Instagram [Anzeige, Kooperation]☀️ Kein Sommerdrink ist ja aktuell ja auch keine Lösung, oder?🥂 Wir müssen alle noch etwas länger ausharren und auf Facetime Dates zurückgreifen…💻📱 Damit ihr dabei wenigstens nicht auf dem Trockenen sitzen bleiben müsst, verlosen wir heute den Madini Sommerdrink2020 in Kooperation mit @paulus_delikatessen 👍 So einfach kommt der Drink zu euch👍 1️⃣ Folgt @inside_munich und @paulus_delikatessen 😊 2️⃣ Verrate uns in den Kommentaren, mit wem du den Drink gerne genießen würdest 🥂 3️⃣ Wenn du magst, gib dem Bild ein ❤️ Das Gewinnspiel endet am Samstag den 18.04‬ und steht in keiner Verbindung zu Instagram. Der Gewinner wird per persönlicher Nachricht über den Gewinn auf Instagram informiert. Alle Teilnahmebedingungen findet ihr hier: …
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Munich Blogger Insidemunich Städteherz

B-MY München 2020. Deine Stadt – Dein Gutscheinbuch

Lecker essen gehen, neue Restaurants und Cafés kennenlernen, sich für wenig Geld verwöhnen lassen, shoppen oder coole neue Sachen erleben, aber dabei gleichzeitig nicht viel Geld ausgeben? Klingt erst mal nach einem Ding der Unmöglichkeit … aber nicht, wenn ihr das B-MY München 2020 Gutscheinbuch habt. 400 Gutscheine, 208 Partner in München Im B-MY München 2020 Gutscheinbuch sind 400 Gutscheine enthalten, die ihr bei 208 Partnern in und rund um München einlösen könnt. Restaurants, Bars, Streetfood Locations, Freizeitparks, Action, Wellness und Shopping. Hier sollte also wirklich für jeden was Passendes dabei sein 🙂 Das Gutscheinbuch ist dabei in 6 Kategorien unterteilt: Essen & Genuss (58 Partner) Schnell & Lecker (21 Partner) Café – Bistro – Bar (24 Partner) Freizeit & …
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InsideMunich Bar München Brunch

LAZY SUNDAYS – Brunch with a View Münchens neuer Brunch Himmel

Sobald sich die Türen des Lifts auf Level 12 des Andaz Hotel München öffnen,  erwartet euch eine Bar der Extraklasse. Eine stylische Bar – umgeben von 360 Grad bodentiefen Fenstern und einem der schönsten Blicke über München, sowie eine der höchsten Dachterrassen der Stadt. Das M’Uniqo empfängt alle Barfreunde 365 Tage im Jahr und hat seit drei Wochen ein neues Highlight im Repertoire. LAZY SUNDAYS – Brunch with a view.  Jeden Sonntag sorgt das M’Uniqo Team mit “LAZY SUNDAYS – Brunch with a View” für ein echtes Brunch Highlight und serviert eine köstliche Mischung aus Barfood auf höchstem Niveau, feinsten Drinks und lässigen Vibes hoch über den Dächern der Stadt. Zwischen 12:00 Uhr und 18:00 Uhr werden im M’Uniqo nach …
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Apps zur Bildbearbeitung

InsideMunich Insights – Unsere Lieblings-Tools zur Bildbearbeitung auf dem Handy

„Wow, krasses Bild“ – Haben wir das nicht alle schon mal gedacht, als wir durch unseren Insta Feed gewischt oder vorhin kurz bei Pinterest reingeschaut haben? Dabei liegen zwischen einem vermeintlich langweiligen Bild und einer lebendigen Herbstlandschaft oft nur ein paar Klicks. Deshalb stellen wir euch hier unsere zwei Lieblings-Apps zur Bildbearbeitung auf dem Handy vor. Wie weit ihr bei der Bildbearbeitung gehen möchtet, ist natürlich ganz unterschiedlich. Mit den Tools und Apps, die wir euch gleich vorstellen, könnt ihr im Handumdrehen einen grauen Himmel blau oder eine gelbe Tomate saftig rot färben. Außerdem kann man alles etwas klarer und strahlender erscheinen lassen. Wir sind kein Fan von zu starker Bildbearbeitung, die die Stimmung eines Bildes komplett verändert. Oft reicht …
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InsideMunich Bergtour

Kreuzspitze: Gipfel mit toller Aussicht in den Ammergauer Alpen

Überblick Bergtour Kreuzspitze Talort: Graswang bzw. Wanderparkplatz kurz hinter dem Grenzübergang Richtung Reutte Gipfel: Kreuzspitze (2.185m) Einstufung: mittelschwere Wanderung Dauer: 5 Stunden reine Gehzeit ohne Pausen (Aufstieg: 2:45h, Abstieg: 2:15h) Höhenmeter: 1.150 Einkehrmöglichkeiten: keine Hütte Besonderheiten: Panoramablick auf die Zugspitze vom Gipfel Blick zur Kreuzspitze beim Aufstieg Anfahrt Wir versuchen fast immer, mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in die Berge zu fahren. Die Kreuzspitze ist jedoch ohne Auto nur relativ umständlich zu erreichen. Ihr müsstet die RB ab Hauptbahnhof München bis Oberau nehmen. Dann in den Bus zum Schloss Linderhof und von dort aus noch ca. 90 Minuten zu Fuß gehen. Mit dem Auto fahrt ihr einfach zum Wanderparkplatz an der Kurve kurz nach dem Grenzübergang zu Österreich Richtung Reutte. Vom …
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Watzmannhaus Packliste Blogger

Eure Packliste für Tagestouren und mehrtägige Wanderungen

Euer nächstes Abenteuer in den Bergen ist bereits geplant? Die Route steht und die Hütte wartet schon auf euch? Egal, ob es „nur“ eine Übernachtung in den Bergen ist oder ob ihr gleich mehrere Tage unterwegs seid – die richtige Ausrüstung sollte auf jeden Fall dabei sein, damit eure Tour ein voller Erfolg wird. Aus diesem Grund haben wir für euch unsere Ausrüstung zusammengestellt, die wir auf unseren Wanderungen mitnehmen. Der richtige Rucksack Zunächst zum Thema Rucksack. Da wir oft gefragt werden, welchen Rucksack und vor allem welche Rucksackgröße wir empfehlen würden, folgendes gleich vor ab: Ihr müsst die richtige Größe für EUCH finden. Je nachdem, welche Art von Touren ihr plant und gerne geht. Je größer der Rucksack, desto …
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Titelbild Munich Blogger Festival InsideMunich

MedTransfers Festival München: das mediterrane Genussfestival by GIN MARE

Leckere Gin Drinks kombiniert mit auserwählten Köstlichkeiten von Deutschlands Spitzengastronomen. Eine schicke Location mitten in München mit stylischen Gästen und bei strahlendem Sonnenschein. Was sich anhört wie ein unrealistischer Werbespot hat wirklich stattgefunden.  Das GIN MARE Festival im Cross Restaurant im Englischen Garten in München. Gin Mare VW Bus und InsideMunich Ein Film von Traumjob: Brand Ambassador für GIN MARE Zuerst hat uns der GIN MARE Brand Ambassador Ezio Canetti (das ist mal ein Traumjob, oder? 😊) die Herkunft und Besonderheiten des mediterranen Gins erläutert. GIN MARE erhält seinen einzigartigen Geschmack dadurch, dass ausschließlich die Aromen des Mittelmeers destilliert werden. So kommen Rosmarin aus der Türkei, Thymian aus Griechenland, Basilikum aus Italien und Bitterorangen und Arbequina-Oliven aus Spanien für …
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Herzogstand Wandern Berge InsideMunich

5 Touren zum Start in die Wandersaison 2020

The mountains are calling! Endlich… zumindest in den niedrigeren Lagen taut der Schnee langsam aber sicher. Was könnte es da Schöneres geben, als die Rucksäcke zu packen und in die Münchner Hausberge zu fahren, um die Wandersaison 2020 zu eröffnen? Wir waren heuer schon ein paar Mal unterwegs und haben für euch 5 Touren zusammengestellt, die aufgrund der niedrigeren Höhenlage schon begehbar sind.   Jochberg (1.565m) Anreise mit Bahn und Bus möglich (Start: Kesselberghöhe) 715 Höhenmeter Dauer: insgesamt ca. 4 Stunden (reine Gehzeit) Wunderschön zwischen Walchensee und Kochelsee gelegen ist der Jochberg die perfekte Tour um in die Wandersaison 2020 zu starten. Der Anstieg ist zwar steil, aber einfach und in ca. 1,5 bis 2 Stunden leicht zu bewältigen. Oben …
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Izakaya München Munich Food

IZAKAYA MÜNCHEN – japanisch-südamerikanische Fusionsküche für den besonderen Anlass

Ihr liebt Sushi und die japanische Küche? Außerdem mögt ihr das Sharing-is-Caring Prinzip und probiert gerne verschiedene Köstlichkeiten? Ihr wolltet schon immer mal wissen, wie gut die japanische und peruanische Küche harmoniert und seid bereit für einen außergewöhnlichen Restaurantbesuch? Dann seid ihr im IZAKAYA mitten in München genau richtig. Das schicke japanische Restaurant ist im Roomers Hotel an der Landsberger Straße zu finden und bereichert das kulinarische Angebot in München seit 2017. Mittlerweile mit 15 Gault&Millau Punkten ausgezeichnet steht das IZAKAYA München für außergewöhnliche Spezialitäten aus Japan und Südamerika sowie ein einzigartiges Restaurant mit besonderem Ambiente. IZAKAYA – Eintritt in eine andere Welt Schon das Betreten des Restaurants durch eine große dunkle Tür ist ein Erlebnis für sich. Zunächst erwartet …
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Street art Munich Insidemunich

Street art of Munich – discover Munich`s hidden champions

Munich’s must-see street art Fun blogger event discovering Munich’s street art and seeing the must-see MAGIC CITY exhibition New York – Berlin – London … these are the cities that come to your mind when thinking of great and inspiring street art. But did you know that Munich is actually the birthplace of European graffiti? Or that there are so many locations around the city where you can find amazing and diverse street art? Or that Munich’s city council actually asks famous street artists as Munich local hero Loomit to improve biking tunnels or bridges with their masterpieces? Well, we certainly didn’t know all that. Luckily, we were invited to a Munich street art biking tour and to visit the …
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Münchenblogger Blogger München Wirtshaus Hohenwart Wirtshaus München

Wirthaus Hohenwart – feinste bayerische Wirtshauskultur mitten in Giesing

Ihr mögt bayerische Klassiker wie Schweinsbraten und Kalbschnitzel genauso wie wir? Für alle Liebhaber der bayerischen Küche ein absolutes Muss : das Wirtshaus Hohenwart auf dem Giesinger Berg. Das Wirtshaus Das 1896 eröffnete Wirtshaus hat sich seinen urigen Charme mit Holzvertäfelung, Geweihen und Stuckdecken bewahrt, jedoch ohne dabei verstaubt zu wirken. Mitten in Giesing gelegen ist das Wirtshaus Hohenwart ein Nachbarschaftswirtshaus im besten Sinne: das Team kennt die Stammgäste beim Namen und jeder ist willkommen! Neben Klassikern der bayerischen Küche wie Schweinsbraten und Kalbsschnitzel werden auch vegetarische Köstlichkeiten wie Breznknödelsalat und kleinere Brotzeiten serviert. Großer Pluspunkt: die reguläre Speisekarte wird durch eine innovative Wochenkarte ergänzt und es werden generell nur regionale und saisonale Zutaten verwendet. Los geht’s: Vorspeisen Wir haben …
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KUNST/ FRUHLING 2018: ARTMUC meets Stroke Art Fair

4 days of art – 3 locations – 2 art fairs – 1 ticket. As Munich’s two great contemporary art fairs ARTMUC and Stroke are always huge successes, the founder Raiko Schwalbe decided to push both exhibitions to a new level by creating the KUNST/FRUHLING. For the first time, the two art fairs will take place at the same time in Munich in spring 2018. Don’t miss out this great opportunity to see amazing contemporary art, meet inspiring artists and get the arty vibe at the two locations. The Stroke was initiated almost 10 years ago in order to promote young artists and galleries. In 2018 more than 60 international artist will display their masterpieces from May 9th – May …
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Insidemunich Food Foodblogger Munich München

COMETA = Authentic Mexican streetfood in Munich

Hello food lovers out there, today we would like to introduce the newly opened Mexican street food place called “ COMETA “ to you! COMETA stands for COntemporary MExican TAqueria. Actually we think there is one word missing in the name and this would be “Real” The little place just opened a few weeks ago in the heart of Munich and now, Mexico is just one minute away from Stachus… For us it`s the perfect location to have a break from the busy city while enjoying authentic Mexican streetfood. Ivan, the owner of the place, has furnished the shop with love to many details, like art from his home town or pictures of the famous “Monarch Butterfly” which is kind …
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Munich InsideMunich Art

Interview with the artist HC Ohl about his current exhibition @ LV1871 – Maximiliansplatz 5 in Munich

All about ” Beschleunigung “ Die Ausstellung heißt „Beschleunigtes Paradies“ – was müssen wir uns denn darunter vorstellen? Die Beschleunigung ist das große Thema unserer Zeit. Dabei geht es nicht nur um beschleunigte Materie wie zum Beispiel einen Körper in einem Auto, sondern auch um gesellschaftliche Prozesse. Zum Beispiel Kommunikation: Beim Telefonieren spreche ich mit einer Person, die sich aber an einem anderen Ort befindet. Auflösung von Raum und Zeit. Beschleunigung: Gesteigerte Geschwindigkeit verkürzt die Zeit, um einen anderen Ort zu erreichen, bzw. verkürzt die (empfundene) Strecke zwischen den Orten. Die Erfindung immer neuer technischer Hilfsmittel soll uns von den Fesseln irdischer Gegebenheiten befreien und auf direktem Weg das Paradies erschaffen. Wie genau wird denn aus einem Foto ein Kunstwerk? …
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Art Insidemunich

“Accelerated paradise” and a hidden Munich art spot

Hello art fans! Munich really is the Bavarian capital of Art. With more than 70 museums and many bigger and smaller galleries Munich offers literally art for everyone – all around our city. The offer ranges from big well known museums like the Bavarian National Museum or the German Museum to hidden secrets. One of them we would like to introduce you today 🙂 As we are getting more and more into art it was a great pleasure for us to discover a new spot in Munich where we didn`t expected to find contemporary art from changing artists. You`ll find the place within the building from the insurance company LV1871 at Maximiliansplatz 5 in Munich. This building used to be …
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CHristmas Tree München

Munich Christkindlmarkt – The original Christmas market made in Munich

The Christkindlmarkt The Munich Christmas Market is actually the oldest Christkindlmarkt in town. The market is located around Marienplatz and from there up to the “Rindermarkt” and the St. Michael church. The highlight of course is the 30 meter high Christmas tree! In the evening it is illuminated with 2.500 candles! The Christmas tree Every year one community receives the honor to sponsor the giant tree and serve their own “Glühwein” within the city hall courtyard. The waiting time for a community is usually between 15 to 20 years and so the people from Burghausen were quite happy this year to set up the tree right in front of the city hall. Don’t miss out to stop by at their …
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The Hut Le Meridien München Insidemunich

The HUT – Hüttenzauber in the heart of Munich

That`s why ” The HUT” is the right place for you – You can experience the cozy and relaxed atmosphere of a mountain cabin, – while having tasty Swiss cheese fondue and other specialties from Austria and Germany, – in an extraordinary location in the heart of Munich 🙂 The HUT by Le Meridien Munich is the perfect mountain hut. Just not far away, but in the heart of or our favorite city. Just enter the Le Meridien Munich hotel close to the Munich central station and walk through the nice lobby to get to the patio. Once there, you see the wood-made hut and feel automatically transferred to some small mountain cabin in the Alps. The Hut offers delicious …
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Hiking tour Trainsjoch

Facts Hiking Tour Trainsjoch Location: Bayerischzell (800 m)/ Ursprungspass Summit: Trainsjoch (1,707m) Category: easy – medium Duration: 4.5 hours net walking time to the summit and back (without any breaks) Altitude difference: 800 m Specials: delicious Kaiserschmarrn at Mariandlalm How to get to Trainsjoch mountain from Munich Public transport Take the BOB (Bayerische Oberlandbahn) from Munich Central Station to the last stop Bayerischzell. Just make sure that you are in the right part of the train. It gets split up at the stop Holzkirchen and goes in three different directions from there. When you are in Bayerischzell take the local bus to the Bäckeralm and walk from there to Trainsjoch mountain. More information about hiking with the BOB We usually …
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EatWith: Enjoy home-made food prepared by locals around the world

EatWith: Taste delicious food – meet interesting people. The concept of EatWith really is as simple and convincing as it sounds: Enjoy a home-made and yummy dinner. Prepared by local foodies in different cities all around the world. Meet inspiring people while enjoying a more-course menu together. Set EatWith dinner table Starting in 2012 in San Francisco, EatWith is now available in over 200 cities in 50 countries worldwide. 650 hosts are registered on the EatWith homepage and are ready to prepare a delicious and unique meal for you. All you have to do is to pick a host and a menu in the city of your choice and request a date. A member of the EatWith team will contact …
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MAGIC CITY – the must-see street art exhibition in Munich Fun blogger event at the MAGIC CITY exhibition After seeing some real life street art in Munich (read more about our street art tour here) we visited the famous MAGIC CITY exhibition in the Olympiapark and wow… we were absolutely thrilled! Special thanks to Dr. Carsten Gerhard from Kulturmarketing München for this great and inspiring day! Are you also interested in colorful, strong, amazing and overwhelming art? Well, then you don’t wanna miss this great exhibition: MAGIC CITY – the art of the street. 54 international world famous street artists were asked to create one masterpiece specifically for this exhibition and the result is simply amazing. 3D street art by …
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Art Munich Praterinsel

ARTMUC – Where art meets Munich

The ARTMUC is Bavaria’s largest trade fair for contemporary art. Until Sunday, 28th 18:00 pm. the Praterinsel is turning into a world full of Art, Painting, illustrations, Photography, Sculptures, Video-Installations and of cause – Networking. You`ll find more than 60 artists and around 20 platforms and institutions presenting their work. Located right on the Praterinsel the art fair invites you to stroll around and get inspired. The variety of work is overwhelming and there is something for every taste. And in case you want to enjoy a short break, you can have cool drinks with your feet in the sand directly at the adjacent beach club, don’t miss out 😉 Within the past three years more than 350 artists have …
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Bodenschneid Wandern München

Let`s start the hiking season!

Hiking Tour Bodenschneid Category: Easy Duration: 4,5 – 5 hours (net walking time without breaks to Bodenschneid summit) Altitude difference: 900 m (Bodenschneid summit at 1,669 m) How to get to the Bodenschneid summit: Take the BOB (Bayerische Oberlandbahn) from the central station (Hauptbahnhof) direction to Bayerischzell and get off at Fischhausen-Neuhaus. Start the tour at the Wendelsteinstraße and go left in the Bodenschneidstraße and then right in the Dürnbachstraße. There just follow the yellow signs to the Bodenschneid summit. If you go by car, go to Neuhaus at Schliersee and look for parking at the train station or in the Bodenschneidstraße. To start off the hiking season in 2017 we decided to go for an easy tour in order …
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Pizza Italian Shot Restaurant Munich

The Italian Shot – Better Pizza

As well-known pizza-lovers we simply had to check out the restaurant The Italian Shot – since their motto is: Better Pizza! One of their restaurants is located in the heart of the Maxvorstadt close to the university (LMU). This also explains why it is usually crowded by creatives and students. Of course, we wanted to check whether their promise “better pizza” lives up to its expectations and ordered two of their yummy choices – Spice Lee and La Bufala. As you can see on the picture, the size of the pizza is enormous but even better, it definitely tastes like pizza heaven! The Pizza Thin wood-oven pizza with a cross crust, delicious toppings and to-die-for mozzarella cheese. That’s the dream …
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Sushi im Restaurant Lu Bu Soulfood

Lu Bu Soulfood – Vietnamese kitchen in the heart of Lehel

Always when we hear, that there is Soulfood somewhere we just have to try it! So we were excited to have dinner at the Lu Bu Soulfood in the heart of Lehel. We immediately felt comfortable and the service was excellent and attentive. You see, we were happy before we even ordered our food, which is usually a good sign :=) As we ask for a recommendation they took us thru the menu which includes a great range of fancy dishes and their own homemade family recipes of yummy Vietnamese food.  It was actually quite hard to decide what to order but luckily we were four persons so we were able to try a few things. Because we already picked …
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Italienisches Restaurant in München InsideMunich

Arte in Tavola – fine Italian food

Italian Restaurant – Arte in Tavola How to be completely happy after dinner? Well, just have dinner at the Italian restaurant “Arte in Tavola” in the heart of Maxvorstadt… We have recently been there and it was awesome. After we were happy to get a table on a Saturday night we had a little walk up the Schellingstraße which is a beautiful area in Munich full with restaurants and bars. It´s just nice to sit outside, watch people walking by and enjoy yummy Italian food. Because of the huge window front you can have the same feeling from the inside 😉 Starter As there are so many delicious things on the menu is was even hard to choose a starter…The …
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InsideMunich hat die neue Bar in der Maxvorstadt getestet

Sophia`s Bar at Charles Hotel

Sophia’s Bar – pretty, classy cocktails. We had high expectation when we went so Sophia’s Bar the first time. There were many people blogging about a new hot spot in Munich and we heard about some cool cocktail creations. So we got a table on a Friday night and dressed up a little. Sophia’s Bar is part of the Charles Hotel, a five star hotel close the central station and the botanical garden. You can enter the bar through the lobby of the hotel (lovely staff there by the way) or directly from the little garden. It wasn’t much crowed so we could choose a table in the main space or in the lounge. Would you find something on the …
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InsideMunich Bar Schwabing

Distillers Bar

Distillers Bar – Munich Vodka at its finest Another great place we would like to introduce to you is called “ Distillers Bar “. The bar is located in the heart of Schwabing, 1 minute away from the “Münchner Freiheit”. It’s  really easy to get there and find the place because of the big shining “Monaco Franze” sign adorning the bar from outside. The first thing you`ll see it the large distillation plant with the house Vodka is distilled. Right next to it you`ll find a little lounge and also a small fan-shop which is integrated in the bar. There are also seats at the counter and in the back of the bar. The Distillers bar is decorated with dark …
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Phönixbad Ottobrunn

Phönixbad Ottobrunn- Your one day spa and wellness escape from the city! Follow my blog with Bloglovin Who doesn’t need a day off, a little retreat and just time to relax once in a while? Well, we certainly do and that is why we love the Phönixbad in Ottobrunn just outside the center of Munich. Of course, the 25m swimming pool, two funny water slides, a Jacuzzi and a heated outdoor pool are quite nice, but what is really worth the drive is the great spa and wellness area with 10!!! different saunas and cozy chill-out zones. Since the A8-highway is really close you can easily reach the Phönixbad in 20 – 40 minutes by car from downtown Munich (depending …
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Brotraum in Schwabing


Brotraum – The organic AND delicious bakery! In case you are looking for a bakery that sells very delicious organic rolls and buns, also offers coffee, little snacks and breakfast, but does not use any flavor enhancers or raising agents at all, well… we got a perfect match for you! Brottraum The bakery Brotraum (German for “bread room”) in the Herzogstrasse closed to the subway station Münchner Freiheit labels itself as organic (German: Bio) and we were curious if you can taste the difference to the typical bakery products of other competitors… In our opinion you certainly see AND taste the difference. The rolls and breads do not only look different (due to the lack of raising agents they are …
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Klettern Munich Insidemunich


BOULDERWELT Boulderwelt München Ost Climbing up – can you make it to the top? Due to its close location to the German Alps Munich is of course home to many mountain lovers and pro climbers. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will find many different locations for bouldering and indoor rock climbing within our beautiful city. Our favorite hotspot for bouldering is the centrally located Boulderwelt only five walking minutes from Ostbahnhof (Munich East). We recommend this bouldering place, because it does not only have the coolest Yeti logo (called Yaffi, see pictures) :), but even more offers a large bouldering area with more than 1,900 m² with a lot of different bouldering tracks ranking from absolute beginner (1a- …
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Couch Club Glockenbrach

Couch Club

Couch Club – The laid back gin experience! The Couch Club is probably one of the most suitable bars to start the night out with friends, great drinks composed with the atmosphere of a living room. As the name suggests there are lots of sofas in the couch club and these make the location even so cozy. There is even a table football which is real a rarity in Munich. The bar is located as so many bars in Glockenbacharea in Klenzestrasse and is therefore ideally suited to start the evening but also to spend the night if you do not want to move on – and that can happen 🙂 The specialty of the bar is definitely Gin. They …
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Kaffee Munich

Café Fräulein

In case you are looking for the perfect small cozy coffee place… …to read a book …to dream about travelling, the perfect girl/guy or whatever is currently on your mind …to catch up with your friend …to watch busy pedestrians through large windows well, we might have THE perfect café for you. The tiny Café Fräulein (Fräulein is old-fashioned German for miss/ mademoiselle) is located in the very heart of Munich, right behind the Viktualienmarkt and offers great coffee, cake and cupcakes as well as small snacks and breakfast. Once you enter the coffee place you feel the passion and the commitment of the owners to their café since every little detail seems to be arranged carefully in order to …
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Kino Cinema insidemuncih

Gloria Palast

Gloria Palast: a cineastic experience to remember! Of course, going the movies is not that big of an insider tip or oneof the most popular activities at all… so we thought, too. But after having seen the new Stars Wars: The force awakens at the Gloria Palast at Stachus (“Karlsplatz” for those of you that are not long enough in our beautiful city to know that all Munich people only refer to Karlsplatz as Stachus ), we changed our mind. The Gloria Palast has been opened in 1956 by a famous actress and movie director and was always meant to be a fancy and exclusive cinema hosting countless premieres and also gala performances. Of course the architecture, the glamourous chic …
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Sobicocoa Munich


If you are looking for the prefect feel-good and chill-out place in Munich, where you can hang out whole day long and get quality coffee, tea or the house specialty hot chocolate at a bargain price, we have the perfect spot for you: Sobicocoa or shortly Sobi’s in Schwabing. You might already know this place from driving or cycling by and seeing people sitting in the window and wanting to join them immediately since it looks so comfy and easy-going… well, that’s exactly the place and in our opinion Sobi’s is definitely worth to stop by. The coffee place offers four different müslies and breakfast combos as for example the “little Prince” (pick a cookie, croissant or bagel + coffee …
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Auroom Cocktails


AuRoom – THE cocktail experience Of course, as the third-largest city in Germany Munich is home of many great bars with a huge variety of fancy drinks and cocktails. Nevertheless, the AuRoom bar in the Glockenbachviertel is one of our all-time favorites and an insider tip as well. You can choose from one of the largest cocktail menus in town (you have to check out the funky Thai-inspired drink “Tom Kha Waak” and the gin-infused “Vanilla Pear”), but what makes the place even more special is the great service and advice which is offered by one of the owners. You just name your favorite liquor and state your taste preferences regarding sweetness, sourness, bitterness, cream or no cream, wait for …
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55 Eleven München Universität


The 55 Eleven at the corner street is easily accessible near the university. The restaurant has opened in October, replacing the Newsbar that was previously in the location. The atmosphere is relaxed and the interior goes rather in a rustic direction. The menu is not very big but offers something for all taste`s. For example there is “Original Wiener Schnitzel”, “Scamip with lemon” or a vegan burger for dinner. Go to – 55 ELEVEN How to get here? …
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München Insidemunich Neuhausen

Das Neuhausen

Excellent food, service and atmosphere. Das Neuhausen is located in the heart of Neuhausen. The beautiful restaurant offers a variety of local dishes as well as freshly-pressed juice and all sorts of other drinks. We have been at the restaurant a couple of times and really enjoyed the great atmosphere. We love the food they serve, the way they do it and the place itself. It would be a good idea to make a reservation, especially at weekends. Everyone finds something on the menu as they serve delicious starters, great pasta, big burger and Bavarian specialties. Sounds like a lot on the menu but the quality is really good. It’s the perfect location if your fiends have a different taste …
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Munich restaurant Salad Austrian Food

Austrian food at it`s best @ the lovely restaurant “Waldfee”

We have been at this lovely restaurant a couple of times. The “Waldfee” is definitely one of the best Austrian restaurants in Munich. It is located close to Münchner Freiheit end easy to reach. From the very first moment you enter the restaurant you are no longer in Munich but instead you’ll find yourself in a different world with pink walls, lots of glitter and fancy decoration. The Austrian food they serve is just awesome and delicious. A must-try is definitely the “Backhendl-salat” and the “Kaiserschmarrn”. The combination of excellent Austrian food, lovely service and fancy drinks in a cool atmosphere makes this place really special. It’s the perfect location for every possible occasion. Just make sure you make a reservation! Go …
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Restaurant Munich Hey Luigi

Hey Luigi

Whether you want to have dinner & drinks with friends, enjoy a few beers at the bar or take your date out to a flirty location, Hey Luigi is your place to be. Located in the heart of Munich’s trendy district “Glockenbachviertel” close to the subway station “Frauenhoferstrasse” this restaurant offers you the best value for money and its cozy and unique atmosphere invites everybody to stay. The first thing you notice when entering the restaurant is the funky wall decoration – just sit down at your table and look above you… there might be some animals to spot :). The interior is basically made from dark wood – which looks really cool at night, when each table is illuminated …
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Kuchen Auswahl Occam Deli

Occam Deli

Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee & Cake or Dinner – it’s up to you… since this great Deli place offers everything all day long. Strategically placed right before the entrance to the Englischer Garten and close to the subway station Münchner Freiheit you will find a NYC-inspired restaurant that offers great quality food and a very cozy atmosphere that invites you to stay longer than originally planned … at least for another round or another cup of coffee J. “Deli” stems originally from the Lower East side in Manhattan is short for delicate food or delicacies – and the food and drinks served at the Occam Deli live up to these expectations. The food is inspired by American, Oriental, French and Italian …
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