Sonnige Winterwanderungen – 6 Tagestouren ab München
Sonnige Winterwanderungen ab München Die Sonne scheint und euch zieht es ab in die Berge? Wenn in der kalten Jahreszeit die Sonne lacht, dann bevorzugen wir auf alle Fälle sonnige Winterwanderungen mit wirklich viiiiiiieeeeeeeeeelllll Sonne. So schön die Forststraßen…
5 Touren zum Start in die Wandersaison
The mountains are calling! Endlich… zumindest in den niedrigeren Lagen taut der Schnee langsam aber sicher. Was könnte es da Schöneres geben, als die Rucksäcke zu packen und in die Münchner Hausberge zu fahren, um die Wandersaison zu eröffnen? Wir…
Hamburg – gate to the world
Travel Inspiration: Hamburg Hamburg… second largest city of Germany, home of sailors, captains, traders and noble businessman, European city with the largest inland port, musical city, “gate to the world”. Due to its unique location and the proximity to the…
Street art of Munich – discover Munich`s hidden champions
Munich’s must-see street art Fun blogger event discovering Munich’s street art and seeing the must-see MAGIC CITY exhibition New York – Berlin – London … these are the cities that come to your mind when thinking of great and inspiring…
KUNST/ FRUHLING 2018: ARTMUC meets Stroke Art Fair
4 days of art – 3 locations – 2 art fairs – 1 ticket. As Munich’s two great contemporary art fairs ARTMUC and Stroke are always huge successes, the founder Raiko Schwalbe decided to push both exhibitions to a…
Munich Christkindlmarkt – The original Christmas market made in Munich
The Christkindlmarkt The Munich Christmas Market is actually the oldest Christkindlmarkt in town. The market is located around Marienplatz and from there up to the “Rindermarkt” and the St. Michael church. The highlight of course is the 30 meter high…